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Join us and experience the magic of Open Space, where every voice can be heard, and every contribution is valued. Together, we can explore new ideas, solve problems, and create a dynamic event that is both productive and inspiring.

What to Expect
The event begins with an introduction to the principles and practices of Open Space. Participants are invited to join in the theme or add their own. In addition, participants can facilitate the table discussion or they can request a committee member to facilitate. This organic process allows a schedule to form quickly, almost as if by magic, with sessions centered around topics that attendees are eager to explore.

Guiding Principles
Open Space operates under a set of guiding principles that provide just enough structure to foster spontaneous and meaningful discussions:

  1. Whoever comes are the right people.
  2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.
  3. Whenever it starts is the right time.
  4. Whenever it’s over, it’s over.
  5. Wherever it happens is the right place.

The Law of Personal Mobility
In addition to these principles, Open Space includes one law—The Law of Personal Mobility. This law empowers participants to move freely between sessions: “If you find yourself where you can’t learn or contribute, move yourself to a place where you can.” This encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own learning and engagement.

We look forward to welcoming and hosting you!

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