What happens after the 6 sessions?

We have a group retrospective to talk about feelings, and how the groups could be better next time around, so you are

What happens after the 6 sessions?2016-08-13T17:06:36+02:00

I don’t know anyone in the groups.

That’s fine, they don’t know you either then. Perhaps make up a fake name and persona the first time you attend. If

I don’t know anyone in the groups.2017-01-28T10:17:46+02:00

Will the be snacks and drinks?

That depends on your group. We usually rotate the snacks and drinks bringer, and set some sort of budget to it.

Will the be snacks and drinks?2016-08-13T17:04:25+02:00

Ok, What then?

Decide who will facilitate each topic. The facilitator is then expected to send out some prep work to the group, be in

Ok, What then?2016-08-13T17:03:03+02:00
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